By Zhuri
With its current evolution and incorporation into our lives, many have predicted that for computer science elements, this is only the beginning. However, many wonder how exactly our lives will be impacted. Which industries and which parts of our daily lives will change due to computer science? Will it be for the better, or for the worse?
Based on predictions, the computer science industry is bound to impact the workspace and entrepreneurship, Climate and Medical Technology, and so much more through AI and Machine Learning.
Automation can be defined as the replacement of human and skilled workers with machines who carry out the same or similar tasks at a generally faster and more efficient rate. Automation is reshaping workplaces and will have a profound impact on almost every industry in the coming years. Despite the prior controversy, it is not believed that robots and machinery will entirely rid humans of the workspace. It is more likely for there to be an eventual collaboration of some sort between skilled workers and machines. The more taxing tasks are more likely to be assigned to the easily programmed machine, while any other more opinionated or interactive tasks will be given to skilled workers. Humans in the coming future will be required to have more creativity in future tasks. Machinery and computer science applications have the ability to remove monotonous tasks that many workers face on a daily basis.
In terms of new technology, such as climate and medicine, computer science is predicted to positively impact this field. Climate change is one area where technology can help, such as by using computers to help increase energy efficiency. Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and artificial intelligence is being used to help us better understand the effects of storms, natural disasters, and anthropogenic environmental damage. Climate change has also spawned a new field of study in computer science: climate informatics. This is a branch of computer science research that combines data and climate science to forecast extreme weather and reconstruct past conditions. It forecasts the impact of extreme weather and climate change using large-scale data models and advanced computational systems.
This tech can also be used towards alleviating poverty and such worldly issues. Machine learning can process datasets and create sophisticated computer models to predict how a disease will mutate or spread. Advanced computer models can also map out interactions between infected residents on a regional and national scale. With poverty, it is critical to enable commerce at both the macro and micro levels in developing countries. However, computer science can also be of great assistance to people living in countries where traditional commerce is untrustworthy or corrupt. In an infinite number of ways, the field of computer science has the potential to affect and improve people's lives and livelihoods. At a time when the world is facing some of its most difficult challenges, computer scientists may be the ones who can provide the most effective solutions.